Amish built single and double wides - Helping to provide Quality, Hoogly, affordable homes.

Midcoast Maine suffers from a lack of Hoogly affordable housing. The affordable housing it does have, in abundance, is single and double wide trailers, and trailers, unfortunately, are not very hoogly. Even double wides, although far more livable then singles, suffer from a dearth of natural, traditional, comforting materials. Built out of non-breathing, manufactured materials, they provide a house, but lack the feeling of home we increasingly crave.

Thankfully we in the midcoast area have the amish at Backyard Builders in Unity to work with. With their year round indoor shop space and therefore shop vs. on-site carpenter wages, they are capable of producing high quality house shells composed of breathable materials for significantly less then any local contractor could provide. I’ve talked with Jay and he has told me they can produce double wides. Based on his figure for a 16 x 32 house, we guesstimate the manufacture of a double wide shell, 24 x 32 for around $70,000. Understand, that is the shell and electrical. Gravel pad or foundation, plumbing, and of course the kitchen and bathroom infrastructure, heating, and appliances would cost the same as they do for a similar sized structure, whether manufactured or site built.

Having lived in an Amish built house and having more than 30 years of combined experience in the building and design field we offer our assistance turning a backyard builders shell into a Hoogly little, but not tiny, home, from the planning phase until it’s move in or resale ready.